On August 15, 2024, “Alien: Romulus,” the seventh installment in the iconic Alien series, premiered in cinemas across Germany. Nearly five decades after the franchise’s debut, the sci-fi phenomenon continues to captivate audiences. The film attracted approximately 600,000 cinema-goers, generating around $7 million in revenue in Germany alone. This impressive performance placed “Alien: Romulus” among the top 20 highest-grossing films in Germany for 2024. For those who missed it in theatres, there’s good news: the film will soon be available for streaming on Disney+.
Starting January 15, 2025, Disney+, often referred to as the “Mouse House” streaming service, will include “Alien: Romulus” in its catalogue. Subscribers will also have access to all previous entries in the Alien saga. While the movie has been available for purchase or rental on platforms like iTunes and Amazon for some time, Disney+ offers it as part of its standard subscription without additional fees. Subscriptions to Disney+ start at €5.99, although the service does not currently offer a free trial period.
“Alien: Romulus” Brings New Life to the Franchise
“Alien: Romulus” aims to reconnect the series with its roots. Set between the events of the original 1979 film and its 1986 sequel, the movie follows a group of space colonists searching for valuable treasures to trade. Their journey takes them to the abandoned space station Romulus, where they quickly discover why the station was deserted. Tension mounts as the group faces the terrifying reality of their discovery.
Even if you’ve already seen the film in cinemas, it’s worth revisiting on Disney+. The streaming version reportedly features updates that enhance the viewing experience. Notably, the film’s heavily computer-generated characters have been refined to appear significantly more realistic compared to the theatrical release.
With its arrival on Disney+, “Alien: Romulus” continues to expand the reach of this beloved franchise, promising both longtime fans and newcomers an opportunity to experience the thrills of the Alien universe from the comfort of home.